Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Managing Life and a Pizza

Veggie PIzza, originally uploaded by scarlettvr.

I made this one last week and just never wrote about it, school and work keeps me busy! I'm only a week into school and I'm already bombarded by papers due and the stress of my books still not arriving on time. I love that it's WAY cheaper to buy your books online, but even when you pay for expedited shipping, it still takes over a week to get here. I hate being behind on my reading. Ah the joys of being a student.

Anyway, on to the pizza! 

I used a recipe (forgot where I found, sorry guys!) that was supposed to make a 12in crust and just made two smaller pizzas out of it. I made homemade pizza sauce and just cut up a bunch of veggies. I also browned up some turkey italian sausage for the boy and went at it. I think mine ended up with lots of sauce (coz I like it saucy) onions, zucchini, broccoli and some italian blend cheese. Threw it in a 500 degree oven for about 10 minutes and it was done... It turned out so good, and I even had half left over for lunch the next day. I will totally make this again, and I will find the dough recipe and post it!

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